Document Title: Brief notes marked for various (mostly unpublished) works
Related Material: For the published passage, see Works, vol. 9, p. 414. Other extracts published in MacIntosh 2.1.35-6; 2.2.32-3, 59.
Extent: Fols. 45-9 (5 leaves)
Date: c. 1680
Description: Incl. a few on fol. 45 endorsed for 'C.V. or Conf' (i.e., Christ. Virt., II) but apparently not published, and some for 'Advices' (Things above Reason), at least one of which was published in modified form: a passage on fol. 48v about the axiom, ex nihilo nihil fit. Endorsed (fol. 45), 'These are some promiscuous thoughts of my owne referable to severall discourses'.
Hand: B
Physical Description: Manuscript
Language: English

Archive reference: BP 36, fol. 45v-46r< Previous image | Next image >

Boyle Papers Volume 36 Fol. 45v-46r