Document Title: MS version of 'Articles of Inquiry Touching Mines' (Phil. Trans., 1666)
Related Material: Works, vol. 5, pp. 529-37, 539-40
Extent: Fols. 1-5 (5 leaves)
Date: 1660s
Description: Text slightly differently presented, lacking a few phrases from published version and with various insertions, deletions, etc. Incomplete: lacks nos. 74-90 of main text (except the first three words), which must have been on a missing page or pages to which a symbol on fol. 3v keys. Misbound: fols. 4-5 should precede fols. 2-3.
Hand: F
Physical Description: Manuscript
Language: English

Archive reference: BP 38, fol. 4v-5r< Previous image | Next image >

Boyle Papers Volume 38 Fol. 4v-5r