Prof Tim Markham

Administrative responsibilities
- Chair of the College Board of Examiners
- Programme Director, BA Journalism and Media
0000-0002-7304-2610 -
Research overview
Tim Markham is a media sociologist with interests cutting across journalism, politics and philosophy. His latest book Digital Life (Polity 2020) contends that what it means to live ethically and politically is realised through and not in spite of our messy, compromised experience of the digital.
Tim has also recently published a comprehensive introduction to studying media called Media and Everyday Life, as well as Media and the Experience of Social Change, based on fieldwork conducted in Lebanon and Egypt. Together with FMACS colleague Scott Rodgers he has also co-edited a book on phenomenological perspectives on media. Previously Tim has published work on war reporting, media and public engagement, humanitarianism, celebrity, citizen journalism and social media activism.
Supervision and teaching
Supervision and teaching
Areas of research supervision include journalism; media sociology; phenomenology; philosophy of communication; digital media; social media; media and public engagement; audience research; conflict studies; humanitarianism; Arab media.
Current doctoral researchers
Doctoral alumni since 2013-14
Teaching modules
- The Arts: Questioning the Contemporary World (ARAR009S3)
- Final Project / Dissertation / Portfolio (ARMC047D7)
- Theoretical Perspectives on Media (ARMC172S7)
- Media and Conflict (ARMC176S6)
- Introduction to Data Journalism (ARMC238S7)
- Journalism in British Life (FFME007S4)
- Markham, Tim (2023) Towards an epistemology of digitally mediated temporality: from ethics to empiricism. Information, Communication & Society ISSN 1369-118X (Print), 1468-4462 (Online).
- Markham, Tim (2023) Investigating digitally mediated temporal experience: from empiricism to ethics. New Media & Society ISSN 1461-4448.
- Markham, Tim (2019) Affective solidarity and mediated distant suffering: In defence of mere feltness. International Journal of Cultural Studies 22 (4), pp. 467-480. ISSN 1367-8779.
- Markham, Tim (2016) Review essay: Social media, politics and protest. Media, Culture & Society 38 (6), pp. 946-957. ISSN 0163-4437.
- Markham, Tim (2015) Book review - Intimate politics: publicity, privacy and the personal lives of politicians in media-saturated democracies, by James Stanyer. Information, Communication & Society ISSN 1369-118X (Print), 1468-4462 (Online).
- Markham, Tim (2015) Celebrity advocacy and public engagement: the divergent uses of celebrity. International Journal of Cultural Studies 18 (4), pp. 467-480. ISSN 1367-8779.
- Markham, Tim (2014) Social media, protest cultures and political subjectivities of the Arab spring. Media, Culture & Society 36 (1), pp. 89-104. ISSN 0163-4437.
- Markham, Tim (2014) Journalism and critical engagement: naiveté, embarrassment, and intelligibility. Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 11 (2), pp. 158-174. ISSN 1479-1420.
- Markham, Tim (2012) The politics of journalistic creativity: expressiveness, authenticity and de-authorization. Journalism Practice 6 (2), pp. 187-200. ISSN 1751-2786.
- Markham, Tim (2012) The uses and functions of ageing celebrity war reporters. Celebrity Studies 3 (2), pp. 127-137. ISSN 1939-2397.
- Markham, Tim (2011) The political phenomenology of war reporting. Journalism 12 (5), pp. 567-585. ISSN 1741-3001.
- Markham, Tim (2011) Hunched over their laptops: phenomenological perspectives on citizen journalism. Review of Contemporary Philosophy 10, pp. 150-164. ISSN 1841-5261.
- Markham, Tim (2011) Neither playing the game nor keeping it real: media logics and Big Brother. Celebrity Studies 2 (2), pp. 230-232. ISSN 1939-2397.
- Livingstone, S. and Markham, Tim (2008) The contribution of media consumption to civic participation. British Journal of Sociology 59 (2), pp. 351-371. ISSN 0007-1315.
- Couldry, N. and Markham, Tim (2008) Troubled closeness or satisfied distance? Researching media consumption and public orientation. Media, Culture & Society 30 (1), pp. 43-59. ISSN 0163-4437.
- Couldry, N. and Markham, Tim (2007) Celebrity culture and public connection: bridge or chasm?. International Journal of Cultural Studies 10 (4), pp. 403-421. ISSN 1367-8779.
- Markham, Tim and Couldry, N. (2007) Tracking the reflexivity of the (dis)engaged citizen: some methodological reflections. Qualitative Inquiry 13 (5), pp. 675-695. ISSN 1077-8004.
- Couldry, N. and Markham, Tim (2006) Public connection through media consumption: between oversocialization and de-socialization?. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 608 (1), pp. 251-269. ISSN 0002-7162.
- Markham, Tim (2022) Media and everyday life. London: Bloomsbury. ISBN 9781350348509.
- Markham, Tim (2020) Digital life. Polity Books. ISBN 9781509541058. (In Press)
- Markham, Tim (2017) Media and the experience of social change: the Arab world. Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 9781786604217.
- Markham, Tim and Rodgers, Scott, eds. (2017) Conditions of mediation: phenomenological perspectives on media. New York, U.S.: Peter Lang. ISBN 9781433134692.
- Markham, Tim (2017) Media and everyday life. London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 9781137477187.
- Markham, Tim (2012) The politics of war reporting: authority, authenticity and morality. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press. ISBN 9780719085284.
- Couldry, N. and Livingstone, S. and Markham, Tim (2010) Media consumption and public engagement: beyond the presumption of attention. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780230247383.
Book Section
- Markham, Tim (2023) Engaging opacity: Spotify and the poeisis of algorithmic backends. In: Parks, L. and Velkova, J. and De Ridder, S. (eds.) Media Backends: Digital Infrastructures and Sociotechnical Relations. The Geopolitics of Information. Champaign, U.S.: University of Illinois Press. pp. 95-109. ISBN 9780252045349.
- Markham, Tim (2020) Subjective recognition in a distracted world: the affordances of affective habits and temporal discontinuities. In: Kaun, A. and Pentzold, C. and Lohmeier, C. (eds.) Beyond Chrono(dys)topia: Making Time for Digital Lives. London, UK: Rowman and Littlefield. ISBN 9781786612977. (In Press)
- Markham, Tim (2020) Banal phenomenologies of conflict: professional media cultures and audiences of distant suffering. In: Budka, P. and Bräuchler, B. (eds.) Theorising Media and Conflict. New York, U.S.: Berghahn. pp. 99-115. ISBN 9781789206821.
- Couldry, N. and Livingstone, S. and Markham, Tim (2018) The Public Connection Project ten years on. In: Guerrero, M.A. and Arriagada, A. (eds.) Conexión Pública: prácticas cívicas y uso de medios en cinco países. Mexico City, Mexico: Universidad Iberoamericana. pp. 145-169. ISBN 9786074174717.
- Markham, Tim (2017) Banal phenomenologies of violence: media work cultures and audience engagement with distant suffering. In: Hodgson, G. (ed.) Conflict, Trauma and the Media: A Collection of Essays. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 12-28. ISBN 9781443879033.
- Markham, Tim and Rodgers, Scott (2017) Theorizing media phenomenologically. In: Markham, Tim and Rodgers, Scott (eds.) Conditions of Mediation: Phenomenological Perspectives On Media. New York, U.S.: Peter Lang. pp. 1-18. ISBN 9781433137297.
- McKim, Joel (2016) Structures of experience: media, phenomenology, architecture. In: Rodgers, Scott and Markham, Tim (eds.) Conditions of Mediation. Peter Lang. pp. 149-159. ISBN 9781433137297.
- Markham, Tim (2015) Public connection. In: Mazzoleni, G. (ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Political Communication. Chichester, U.K.: Wiley Blackwell. ISBN 9781118290750 / 1118290755.
- Markham, Tim (2013) The uses of seriousness: Arab journalists tweet the 2011-12 uprisings. In: Gordon, J. and Rowinski, P. and Stewart, G. (eds.) Br(e)aking the News: Journalism, Politics and New Media. Oxford, UK: Peter Lang. pp. 145-164. ISBN 9783034309042.
- Markham, Tim (2012) The correspondent's experience of war. In: Plaw, A. (ed.) The Metamorphosis Of War. At the Interface/Probing the Boundaries. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Rodopi. pp. 167-190. ISBN 9789042035713.
- Markham, Tim (2009) The case against the democratic influence of the internet on journalism. In: Tunney, S. and Monaghan, G. (eds.) Web Journalism: A New Form Of Citizenship?. Eastbourne, UK: Sussex Academic Press. pp. 77-94. ISBN 9781845192792.
- Couldry, N. and Livingstone, S. and Markham, Tim (2008) 'Public connection' and the uncertain norms of media consumption. In: Trentmann, F. and Soper, K. (eds.) Citizenship and Consumption. Consumption and Public Life. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 104-120. ISBN 9780230553460.
- Livingstone, S. and Couldry, N. and Markham, Tim (2007) Youthful steps towards civic participation: does the internet help?. In: Loader, B.D. (ed.) Young Citizens in the Digital Age: Political Engagement, Young People and New Media. London, UK: Routledge. pp. 21-34. ISBN 9780415409124.
- Couldry, N. and Livingstone, S. and Markham, Tim (2007) Connection or disconnection? Tracking the mediated public sphere in everyday life. In: Butsch, R. (ed.) Media and Public Spheres. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 28-42. ISBN 9780230007215.
Conference Item
- Markham, Tim (2011) The politics of journalistic creativity: expressiveness as de-authorization. International Communication Association, 2011, Boston
- Markham, Tim (2011) The rough and ready aesthetics of citizen journalism. International Communication Association, 2011, Boston
- Markham, Tim (2010) Hunched over their laptops: phenomenological perspectives on citizen journalism. Media, Communications and Cultural Studies Association, 2010, London School of Economics, London, UK
- Markham, Tim (2010) War reporting in the 21st century: a political phenomenological perspective on pooling, embedding, ICTs and citizen journalism. International Communication Association Annual Conference, 2010, Singapore
- Markham, Tim (2009) Audience participation and the politics of recognition. Transforming Audiences, 2009, University of Westminster, London, UK
- Markham, Tim (2009) Global practices of citizen journalism: democratizing and collectivist or regulatory and individualist?. Political Studies Association, 2009, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
- Markham, Tim (2009) Media ethics as field strategies: what do audiences do with ethics?. International Communication Association, 2009, Chicago
- Markham, Tim (2008) Journalistic ethics as field strategies: a particular case of the possible. Media, Communication and Humanity, 2008, London School of Economics, London, UK
- Markham, Tim (2008) The correspondent’s experience of war. War, Virtual War and Human Security, 2008, Budapest
- Markham, Tim (2008) The political phenomenology of war correspondence. Political Studies Association, 2008, Swansea University, Wales, UK