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Visualizations and other digital possibilities

Venue: Birkbeck Main Building, Malet Street

No booking required

Digital Humanities is an expanding multidisciplinary field at the intersection of digital technologies and the humanities. These workshops have been organised to help you think about the potential digital technologies may have on your research.

Their aim is to provide you with the tools you may require to see digital possibilities in your project and to encourage you to think how digital technologies may provide you with new ways of working and thinking about your research.

These will be hands-on seminars in which you will learn how to navigate and work creatively in a digital environment. This will be an opportunity to meet and discuss your research with your peers. They are all taught in computer labs.

The workshops assume no prior experience.

These workshops are free and open to all PhD students in the School of Art but registration is required.

This workshop is led by Martin Zaltz Austwick, Senior Lecturer in Spatial Data Science and Visualisation and Course Director, MRes Spatial Data Science and Visualisation.


  • Will deal primarily with data visualizations and their use in disseminating research.
  • Examples and Uses
  • Create your own

Places available 38:

Please contact Anthony Shepherd to reserve a place at:

Coffee/Drinks/Food will be provided.