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Summer Research Series: The 'Facing All The Facts' Project: understanding and improving the hate crime reporting and recording 'system' in Europe

Venue: Online

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In recent years, the European Commission, the EU Fundamental Rights Agency, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and others have developed policy, guidelines and capacity building activities focused on increasing the reporting of and improving the recording of hate crime in Europe and beyond. Data and information about hate crime's prevalence and impact is perennially limited and cross-country comparisons on prevalence and impact are almost impossible. No country is able to reliably answer questions such as how many hate crimes are there? Who is most affected? What is the impact, and how well are we doing to address and prevent the problem? At the same time, there is enough data to tell each country that there is a serious problem that needs attention and action.

The Facing all the Facts project aimed to identify the actors, stakeholders, institutions and organisations that make up national hate crime reporting and recording systems, and to identify what supports and what undermines their effectiveness. The project tested methods to bring together stakeholders across boundaries of identity and institutions, often for the first time, to co-describe national systems, co-diagnose their strengths and weaknesses and to co-prioritise actions for improvement. The results are very rich findings across England and Wales, Italy, Hungary, Spain and Greece that show that several factors support the development of effective systems, including policies, training and law as well as specific practices of cooperation across traditional divides and in difficult political and social circumstances. The Facing all the Facts progect is coordinated by CEJI - A Jewish Contribution to an Inclusive Europe.

So far the project has produced produced one European report, six country reports and an article about the project's research methodology.  

This event aims to explore these findings and to identify what could and should happen next at the levels of policy, practice and research.

Joanna Perry is an Associate Research Fellow at Birkbeck’s Institute for Crime & Justice Policy Research (ICPR).


School of Law Summer Research Series

This event is part of a series of live online events hosted by Birkbeck's School of Law over the coming weeks, showcasing the wide range of research undertaken by the Departments of Law and Criminology, as well as the Institute for Crime & Justice Policy Research (ICPR).

The Summer Research Series will feature a number of researchers sharing their latest research with the public through live webinars.

You can sign-up to the events using the links below. Links to access the events will be sent out in due course. The events will be hosted using the free to access website Blackboard Collaborate.

Thursday 20th August Decision-making in the Court of Protection ‘needs a human element’: Provisional empirical findings from the Judging Values Project (Rebecca Stickler)

Monday 24th August Financial stability vs private law? (Dr Guido Comparato)

Monday 31st August The paradoxes of the right of peoples to self-determination: from Marx, Engels and Lenin to the Chagos Islanders Case in 2019 (Professor Bill Bowring)

Monday 7th September Royal Divorce: Taking Melodramas Seriously (Professor Daniel Monk)

Thursday 10th September A Passion for Ignorance (Professor Renata Salecl)

Thursday 24th September Policy and Resistance (Dr Rachael Dobson)

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