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FREEDOM AND ITS DISCONTENTS: A masterclass with Slavoj Zizek

Venue: Online

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KOREA TV - 5 times 20 minutes


Freedom is a strange notion - although free will is spontaneously experienced as a simple fact of our inner life, the moment we reflect on it paradoxes and coincidences of the opposites explode. Freedom hurts, it involves a painful renunciation to our spontaneous tendencies on behalf of duty, while at the same time the deepest freedom is experienced as an inner necessity (“I have to do it, I just cannot not do it!”). In politics, freedom means to act freely within the frame of customs and legal regulations, but in what circumstances can we also act beyond this frame? And, finally, while we are free to circulate in the digital universe, does this freedom not give birth to a non-transparent universe prone to manipulations? Instead of providing definite answers, the lectures will endeavor to bring out in clear terms the complexity of these issues.

1. Do we have a free will? Some philosophical considerations.

2. Freedom versus liberty: Do we need a state to be actually free?

The masterclass will take place remotely using Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing system. It will consist of two live events with Professor Zizek. The sessions will be moderated by the BIH Co-Directors Prof Jacqueline Rose (26 April) and Prof Esther Leslie (27 April), with participants invited to submit questions and comments during the sessions.

Those who register will be given joining details.  Tickets should be purchased separately for each of the two sessions which will run from 14:00-16:00 on both days. Each session costs £10.

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