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Dr Aviah Day

  • Overview



    My research is informed by my work and activism of domestic violence meaning that my work integrates theory and practice with the express goal of furthering social justice. This maps across my academic, teaching and activist commitments.

    Before academic life I held a number of front-line domestic violence service roles, including working as an Independent Domestic and Sexual Violence Advocate, Refuge Worker and National Domestic Violence Helpline Worker. I am also a member of Sisters Uncut – a national direct-action collective fighting cuts to domestic violence services and state violence, as well as the London Renters Union – a members led tenants union.

  • Research


    Research overview

    My research takes the innovative approach of applying intersectionality to domestic violence policy, in particular examining how survivors from a range of backgrounds experience partnerships between domestic violence services and the criminal justice system. The intersections of ‘race’, disability, migration status, class and gender are analysed, revealing that some survivors are made more vulnerable to criminalisation and immigration enforcement through such partnerships. Undertaking a critical analysis of ‘carceral feminism’ my work proposes prison abolition and community-based, decolonial alternatives to the criminal justice system such as transformative justice and community accountability.

  • Supervision and teaching

    Supervision and teaching


    Current doctoral researchers



    Teaching modules

    • Gender, Crime and Criminal Justice (Level 5) (LACN020H5)
    • Intersectionality and Criminal Justice (LACN026S7)
    • Sociology of Crime (LALA180S4)
  • Publications



    Book Section