Dr Jan Etienne

Dr Jan Etienne is a Birkbeck Fellow, Lecturer and Honorary Research Fellow in the School of Social Sciences. She is a Womanist researcher and Chair of the Womanism, Activism and Higher Education Research Network. Jan teaches on the BA Psychosocial Studies and MSc Education and Social Justice programme in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. She is a member of the Decolonising the Academy Collective and Hub Leader for Student Experience.
Dr Etienne's major research interest is in the field of Black Feminist Epistemology, and Womanist Learning for Community Activism where she explores Black women’s involvement in transforming community spaces into thriving matriarchal learning hubs. Dr Etienne earned her PhD from the Department of Social Policy and Education, Birkbeck, University of London and her MSc from the School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol. She is the author of Learning in Womanist Ways: Narratives of first-generation African Caribbean women, (IOE/UCL Press, Trentham Books, 2016) and editor of Communities of Activism: Black Women, higher education, and the politics of representation, (UCL Press/Trentham Books, 2020) and Feminist scholar's experiences in Decolonising the Academy: Race, class and identity in narrative (Lived Places Publishing 2025).
PhD. Black Feminist Epistemologies: Womanist learning in the Third Age.
Department of Social Policy and Education,
Birkbeck, University of London
Malet Street,
London WC1E 7HX.
MSc Policy Studies: Black Political Narratives, Race and Representation
School for Policy Studies.
University of Bristol
Priory Road
Bristol BS8 1TZ
· British Educational Research Association (BERA)
· British Sociological Association (BSA)
· Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE)
· University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults
New book: Etienne, J. (2025) (Ed) Feminist Scholars’ Experiences in Decolonising the Academy: Race, Class, and Identity in Narrative. New York: Lived Places Publishing. https://livedplacespublishing.com/book/isbn/97819157340822
Conference - October 2023 - Supporting Community https://www.bbk.ac.uk/events/event/39493/supporting-community-what-should-black-womens-research-look-like-in-times-of-adversity
Research Seminar - 8th March 2022 - Contemporary Womanist Research - https://www.bbk.ac.uk/events/event/27751/contemporary-womanist-research-post-george-floyd-compelling-developments-in-black-feminist-theory
Book launch - 8th July 2020, Etienne, J. Virtual Book Launch – ‘Communities of Activism’, Department of Geography https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDxc1nfE0QQ
21st February 2019, Etienne, J Research Conference: Youth crime and violence: Who hears the voices of black women? Womanism, Activism, Higher Education Research Network http://blogs.bbk.ac.uk/events/2019/03/08/youth-crime-and-violence-who-hears-the-voices-of-black-women/
March 2022 - https://www.bbk.ac.uk/events/event/27751/contemporary-womanist-research-post-george-floyd-compelling-developments-in-black-feminist-theory
26th August 2016, Etienne, J - BBC Radio 4: Woman's Hour, Education after the age of 50: Dr Jan Etienne’s research into Lifelong Learning and Older lack Caribbean Women. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07pd4yw
26th July 2016, Etienne, J. Learning in Womanist ways book launch – Institute of Education https://uk.video.search.yahoo.com/search/video;_ylt=AwrJQ5ugbUJgSWEAdwIM34lQ;_ylu=Y29sbwNpcjIEcG9zAzEEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3BpdnM-?p=book+launch+waterstones+jan+etienne&fr2=piv-web&fr=mcafee#id=18&vid=0c5e6c98970bb9ff6cc2a2b10a154956&action=view
Honours and awards
- Womanist Ethnography Award , Vanderbilt University, March 2023
- Birkbeck Fellowship, Birkbeck, University of London, March 2019
- Birkbeck Students Union, Colours and Honours Award Winner , Students Union, Birkbeck, University of London, March 2017
- Honorary Research Fellow – Department of Geography, Department of Geography, Birkbeck, University of London, March 2014
- Michael Stephens Award for PhD Research, 2009, Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in Education of Adults, March 2009
- Birkbeck Distinguished Lecturer Award, Birkbeck, University of London, March 2007
- Prize for Longitudinal Research Study , British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society , March 2006
0000-0001-7196-9386 -
Research interests
- Race, Education and Gender Studies
- Decolonising higher education - Feminist perspectives - Etienne, J. (2025) (Ed) Feminist Scholars’ Experiences in Decolonising the Academy: Race, Class, and Identity in Narrative. New York: Lived Places Publishing. https://livedplacespublishing.com/book/isbn/9781915734082
- Narrative Research Study and Lifelong Learning
- Black Feminist Epistemologies
- Womanist Approaches to Community Learning
- Black Women, Social Capital and Wellbeing
- Studies in Gender and Migration
Research overview
Womanism, Activism and Higher Education Research (2018 - present); Communities of Activism research initiatives (2020); Contemporary Womanist Research (2022); Black Feminist perspectives in developing approaches to supporting research in Black/feminist communities: What should Black feminist activists research look like? (2023) Funded by the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities; Birkbeck Institute for Social Research (BISR) and Birkbeck Institute for Gender and Sexualities (BIGs).
Current: Decolonising higher education: Etienne, J. (2025).(Ed) Feminist Scholars’ Experiences in Decolonising the Academy: Race, Class, and Identity in Narrative. New York: Lived Places Publishing. https://livedplacespublishing.com/book/isbn/9781915734082
Earlier research:
Research Associate. Birkbeck's Institute of Lifelong Learning (2005-2007), ESRC funded project into Lifelong Learning and the Women’s Institute: ESRC RES-000-22-1441 (September 2005) Learning citizenship: lifelong learning, community and the Women’s Institutes
Research Associate: Centre for Excellence in Leadership/ Learning and Skills Development Agency (2004). Research into Management and Leadership, Project Title: Career Hopes and Hesitations Institute for Policy Studies in Education: London Metropolitan University (University of North London)
Research Associate: London Metropolitan University, HE Equalities and Diversity Recruitment research. Funded by: The Institute for Policy Studies in Education (IPSE) (2004)
Institute for Policy Studies in Education: University of North London (2003): Research into Employment and Diversity Strategies. Project Title: National Survey of Black Managers in FE.
Research Associate: Learning and skills Development Agency: Experiences of Black managers in Education (2002) Funded by the Learning and Skills Development Agency (LSDA)
Research Centres and Institutes
Supervision and teaching
Supervision and teaching
· Black Feminist epistemologies· Womanist learning and studies of migration
· Narrative Studies
· Race, Gender and Education
Current joint principal supervision
Debi Lewinson Roberts (2023 - to date) 'So it go': Using a Black feminist lens to explore grief and bereavement in Black Caribbean communities
Nandita Sirker (2020 - to date) Supporting Refugee Mothers – Do you See Us?
Rebekka Mirjam Hölzle (2020 – to date) Resisting the ‘hostile environment’: practices of migrant women
Teaching overviewJan is Programme Director on the BA Psychosocial Studies course
and Programme Director on the MSc Education and Social Justice course.
She currently teaches:
- Theories and Sites of the Psychosocial on the MA Psychosocial Studies
- Key Concepts, Global Foundations in Sociology BA in Sociology
- The Undergraduate Dissertation Module at Level 6
- The undergraduate module on 'Class'
Jan previously taught on the MSc Education, Power and Social Change programme and was module leader for: ‘Education, Globalisation and Change’. She has previously taught on the MSc Voluntary and Community Sector Studies programme and was Module Leader for: Strategies and Development in a Changing Environment as well as lead tutor on the Post Graduate Certificate in Elected Member Professional Development. In her previous role as Assistant Programme Director on the BSc Social Science degree, in the Department of Geography, Jan taught on a range of core modules including: ‘Sociological Approaches to Social Conflict’ and ‘Social Justice.’ Jan has wide experience of teaching in the Department of Applied Linguistics and Communication in various Academic Skills Development roles teaching modules such as: ‘Sociology and Social Policy’ and ‘Introducing the Social World’ on the Higher Education Introductory Studies Diploma.Teaching modules
- Education, Globalisation and Change (FDLL004S7)
- Theories and Sites of the Psychosocial (PSSL040S7)
- Class (SSPA094S6)
- Dissertation Module (SSPA111D6)
- Key Concepts: Global Foundations in Sociology (SSPA161S4)
- Crossing Borders (SSSS001S3)
- Mackay, F. and Etienne, Jan (2006) Black managers in further education: career hopes and hesitations. Educational Management: Administration & Leadership 34 (1), pp. 9-28. ISSN 1741-1432.
- Etienne, Jan, ed. (2025) Feminist scholars' experiences in decolonising the academy: race, class, and identity in narrative. Lived Places Publishing. ISBN 9781915734082.
- Etienne, Jan, ed. (2020) Communities of activism: Black women, higher education and the politics of representation. UCL IOE Press. ISBN 9781858569000.
- Etienne, Jan (2016) Learning in Womanist ways: narratives of first-generation African Caribbean women. Trentham Books. ISBN 9781858567785.
Book Section
- Etienne, Jan (2025) Black feminist practice in decolonising for social justice and well-being. In: Etienne, Jan (ed.) Feminist Scholars' Experiences in Decolonising the Academy: Race, Class, and Identity in Narrative. Lived Places Publishing. ISBN 9781915734082.
- Etienne, Jan (2025) Decolonisation, intersectionality, and change: black and decolonial feminist collaboration. In: Etienne, Jan (ed.) Feminist Scholars' Experiences in Decolonising the Academy: Race, Class, and Identity in Narrative. Lived Places Publishing. ISBN 9781915734082.
- Etienne, Jan (2025) Thinking black and decolonial feminist in higher education: a black British womanist perspective. In: Etienne, Jan (ed.) Feminist Scholars' Experiences in Decolonising the Academy: Race, Class, and Identity in Narrative. Lived Places Publishing. ISBN 9781915734082.
- Etienne, Jan (2020) Beyond Brexit: black women in higher education, collaborating internationally for change. In: Etienne, Jan (ed.) Communities of Activism: Black Women, Higher Education and the Politics of Representation. UCL IOE Press. ISBN 9781858569000.
- Etienne, Jan (2020) Education for survival: black lives and black women’s activism. In: Etienne, Jan (ed.) Communities of Activism: Black Women, Higher Education and the Politics of Representation. UCL IOE Press. ISBN 9781858569000.
- Etienne, Jan and Chigbo, Ezimma (2020) Drill music, violence and criminalization: gendered [platforms] for resistance. In: Etienne, Jan (ed.) Communities of Activism: Black Women, Higher Education and the Politics of Representation. UCL IOE Press. ISBN 9781858569000.
- Etienne, Jan and Davis, J. and Dowe, F. (2020) Whiteness in denial: promoting culturally specific conversations in higher education. In: Etienne, Jan (ed.) Communities of Activism: Black Women, Higher Education and the Politics of Representation. UCL IOE Press. ISBN 9781858569000.
- Etienne, Jan and Joseph, D. (2020) Educating Ryan: black youth surviving a British education system. In: Etienne, Jan (ed.) Communities of Activism: Black Women, Higher Education and the Politics of Representation. UCL IOE Press. ISBN 9781858569000.
- Etienne, Jan and Jackson, Sue (2011) Lifelong learning in later years: choices and constraints for older women. In: Jackson, Sue and Malcolm, I. and Thomas, K. (eds.) Gendered choices: learning, work, identities in lifelong learning. Lifelong Learning Book Series. Kluwer Academic Publihsers: Dordrecht, Germany. pp. 227-241. ISBN 9789400706460.
- Etienne, Jan and Jackson, Sue (2010) Beyond the home: informal learning and community participation for older women. In: Jackson, Sue (ed.) Innovations in Lifelong Learning: Critical Perspectives on Diversity, Participation and Vocational Learning. Routledge. ISBN 9780415548786.
- Etienne, Jan (2014) First-generation African Caribbean women pursuing learning in the third age and beyond: an emancipatory role for lifelong learning in community settings?. Birkbeck, University of London.
Business and community
Business and community
I am happy to receive enquiries from the media on the following topics:
- Black Feminist Perspectives: Women, Education, Learning and Activism Black Youth, Criminalisation and Community Black Political Narratives Black staff in Higher Education Decolonising the Higher Education Academy Racism and Higher Education Student, Diversity and Higher Education Curriculum Migration, Refugees, and Conflict