Launching the Birkbeck Public Engagement Awards
Birkbeck opens applications for its inaugural Birkbeck Public Engagement Awards.

Applications have opened for the inaugural Birkbeck Public Engagement Awards. They will recognise and celebrate the myriad ways that Birkbeck scholars work with the public and communities to make our research accessible and to include non-academic expertise.
Applications are being accepted in five categories – PhD/Early Career, Communicating Research, Collaboration, Engaged Practice, and Transforming Culture or Public Life, which cover the breadth of engagement activity across the College.
The development of the awards is part of a wider plan to enhance the College’s support for public engagement and is supported by a Wellcome Trust ISSF grant and RCUK SEE-PER grant.
Now more than ever, research funders are urging universities to go beyond their ‘ivory towers’ to engage the public in sharing and developing research ideas. Birkbeck has a long-standing tradition of engaging with a wide range of people outside of academia, and these awards will celebrate excellence in incorporating this mission into our research.
Professor Miriam Zukas, Public Engagement Champion, and Mary-Clare Hallsworth, Public Engagement Manager at Birkbeck write: “Birkbeck has a long history of socially engaged research practice, and academics have always looked to local communities to collaborate, communicate and transform lives.
“However, this work hasn’t always been recognised as ‘public engagement.’ We hope the inaugural Birkbeck Public Engagement Awards will highlight the public engagement research work already taking place at the College, and foster new and innovative engagements.”
To apply, please download an application form and find further information on Birkbeck’s Public Engagement Awards page. Applications close 29 January 2018 and shortlisted candidates and winning entries will be announced at an Awards Ceremony in March.
Further Information
- Birkbeck Public Engagement Awards
- Application form for the Birkbeck Public Engagement Awards
- Public Engagement at Birkbeck
- RCUK SEE-PER grant
- Wellcome Trust ISSF grant