Try it! Birkbeck in your commUNIty
From 12-18 May, Birkbeck will be holding a week of workshops, lectures, performances, debates...

This year, during Adult Learners’ Week (12-18 May), Birkbeck will be holding Try it! Birkbeck in your commUNIty, a week of workshops, lectures, performances, debates and information, advice and guidance sessions at Cambridge House in Camberwell. The programme of drop-in sessions has been designed to give participants a taste of higher education, encourage a desire for learning, and to provide information on Birkbeck’s courses and the new system of student loans and bursaries.
This exciting project has been led by the Widening Access and Retention Team, with enthusiastic input from academics from across the College.
Dr Adam Gearey, from Birkbeck’s School of Law, who will be giving a session called ‘Want to think like a Lawyer?’, said: “I’m very excited to be participating in Try It! It’s great to be able to take a taste of what we do at Birkbeck out to Camberwell, and to offer people an opportunity to try a subject that they might not have thought about studying before. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never been to university, or didn’t really enjoy school, we’re sure that there’ll be a session to interest everybody and you can drop in whenever you like.”
The week will start with a launch on Saturday, with free drinks, nibbles, music and face-painting for all and on Sunday 13 May there will be an exciting Family Learning day with a range of activities for children and adults. Children of all ages can take part in fun experiments and earn a special junior scientist certificate. The rest of the week includes sessions on city art, careers planning, creative writing, law and management, psychology and languages, among others.
Visitors can stay for one session or the whole day, or dip in and out throughout the week and there is no need to book. Not only do we have an inspiring range of talks, Birkbeck staff will also be on hand to give individual advice about studying at university.
For full details and times visit
Where: Cambridge House, 1 Addington Square, Camberwell, London SE5 0HF
When: 12 to 18 May 2012
Call: 0845 6010174