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Saloni Krishnan | |||||||||||||||||
We all know that every child's language ability is different. I'm interested in where these individual differences stem from. I think an interesting way to approach this question is to look at early sensorimotor biases, and their variation and developmental influence on language across time. In the past, I've investigated the influence exerted by measures such as oromotor control/ auditory stream segregation on language ability. Recently, I've become convinced that language learning needs to be studied from a more dynamic perspective. Therefore, I intend to use measures of learning, such as statistical learning tasks to understand individual differences in early auditory learning, and correlate the same to language learning and cognitive ability. I believe that looking at learning this way could influence our thinking on atypical language learners, and understanding how they compare to typical learners. My CBCD webpage can be found here
Selected presentations and talksKrishnan, S, Leech, R, Mercure, E, Lloyd-Fox, S, Dick, F (2011). Neural and developmental correlates of oral motor control. Talk given at the BPS Developmental Psychology Section Conference, Newcastle. Krishnan, S, Leech, R, Karmiloff-Smith, A, Dick, F (2011). Neural and developmental correlates of oral motor control. Talk given at the British Neuropsychology Society (BNS) Spring Meeting, London. Krishnan, S (2010). Investigating children's social judgements in a multilingual society: Effects of language and accent. Invited research seminar given at Middlesex University, Dubai, UAE Krishnan, S & Dick, F (2010). What can making funny faces tell us about language? Developmental and Neural Correlates of Oral Motor Control. Talk given at the 1st International Conferences of Psychological Sciences, Al Ain, UAE Krishnan, S., Tiwari, S., Rajashekhar, B. (2007). Interdependency between Language & Theory of Mind: Reflections in Developmental Language Disorders. Talk given at Manipal University, India.
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