Corporate policies and procedures
The policies and plans made available on this page are those that relate to the governance and legal compliance of the College. Unless otherwise specified, these policies are normally reviewed every five years.
- Corporate plan 2021-26: This five-year plan covers a period following recovery from significant turbulence in the HE sector.
- Philanthropic gift acceptance policy: To ensure institutional integrity, the acceptance of support must adhere to a number of key principles.
- Birkbeck naming and recognition policy: To ensure donors across the College are treated equally and are recognised at a level commensurate with their donation.
- Birkbeck Policy Statement on Environmental Sustainability and Net Zero: This policy statement sets out Birkbeck’s strategy for improving environmental sustainability and working towards becoming a net-zero organisation.
Access and participation plans
Birkbeck is registered with the Office for Students. That means we meet its requirements for course quality and student support:
- Provider fee information 2024-25. This template provides an overview of Birkbeck's tuition fees for the 2024-25 academic year.
- 2025-26 - 2028-29
- Access and participation plan 2025-26 - 2028-29: This plan outlines our access agreement for the five-year period between 2025-26- 208-29.
- Access and participation plan summary 2025-26 - 2028-29. This summary outlines the key points of our updated plan and the areas we plan to focus on.
- 2020-21 - 2024-25
- Access and participation plan 2020-21 - 2024-25: This plan outlines our access agreement for the five-year period between 2020-21- 2024-25. It was updated in July 2022 and re-approved by the Office for Students in November 2022.
- Access and participation plan summary 2020-21 - 2024-25: This summary outlines the key points of our updated plan and the areas we plan to focus on.
- Past access agreements: Here you will find links to past Birkbeck access agreements.
ITS and data protection
- Birkbeck IT Regulations: These regulations apply to any user using any computing facility of the College for any purpose.
- Data protection policy
- Media accessibility policy: This policy helps us to meet our obligations under the law for the accessibility of media content (audio and video).
- Internet domain name policy
- Wireless network policy: Anyone using the Birkbeck Wireless Network needs to read and agree to the terms of this policy.
Library policies
- Birkbeck Library regulations: These regulations are to help the Library function efficiently and ensure it is a safe and pleasant place to study, research and work.
- Birkbeck Library charter
- Birkbeck Library collection development policy
- Birkbeck Library interlibrary loan policy
- Birkbeck Library service standards
- Birkbeck Library strategy (2020-21)
- Birkbeck Library Re-Use of Public Sector Information Regulations
Research policies
- College ethics framework
- Institutional policy on research data management and sharing
- Open research policy
- Research integrity code of practice
- Research misconduct procedure
- Responsibilities and procedures for ethical review
Safety, security and risk
- Anti-bribery and corruption policy: We are committed to carrying out our academic and business activities in an honest and ethical manner and to observing the provisions of the Bribery Act 2010 in respect of its conduct both at home and overseas.
- Free speech policy: The free speech policy and procedure is relevant to all staff, students, and visitors who are part of our community.
- The Prevent Duty: The aim of the Prevent strategy is to reduce the threat to the UK from all forms of terrorism by stopping people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.
- Risk management policy: This policy explains our underlying approach to risk management and documents the roles and responsibilities of key parties.
- Modern slavery and human trafficking statement: We are committed to improving our practices to combat slavery and human trafficking.
- Safeguarding policy and procedure: This policy sets out to meet concerns around safeguarding the Birkbeck community by establishing a safeguarding panel with responsibility for considering and advising on a wide range safeguarding issues, considering each case referred to it individually and establishing what action to take.
- Student protection plan: This provides an assessment of the range of risks to the continuation of study for our students, how those risks may differ based on our students' needs, characteristics and circumstances, and the likelihood that those risks will crystallise.
- Whistleblowing (public interest disclosure) policy: The purpose of this policy is to provide a means within the College to raise a concern in the right place if you suspect or witness any risk, malpractice or wrongdoing within the College.
- Anti-money laundering policy: The objective of this policy is to safeguard the University's financial assets and reputation by detecting and preventing money laundering activities. See appendix I: suspected money laundering reporting form.