Birkbeck Policy Statement on Environmental Sustainability and Net Zero
1. Preamble
1.1. This policy statement sets out Birkbeck’s strategy for improving our environmental sustainability as we work towards becoming a net-zero organisation. It set out the requirements for the development of a comprehensive sustainability strategy and framework to get Birkbeck to net zero on Scope 1 and 2 and Scope 3 emissions by creating a holistic approach to sustainability that integrates seamlessly into all aspects of university operations, fostering a culture of sustainability and contributing to a more sustainable future for all. It also defines the terms of reference for the College's Sustainability Working Group, a task and finish group which reports into UEB.
1.2. Birkbeck recognises its responsibility to act on global challenges facing humanity, including ecological degradation, climate change and growing socio-economic inequality.
1.3. We acknowledge that questions of sustainability can only be adequately addressed through tackling the root causes of inequalities, and the importance of acknowledging sustainability in policy development, strategic planning and through targeted initiatives.
1.4. Our approach will be a pathway of continual improvement, embedded in our mission and vision, with the expectation that our sustainability goals will continue to support the institution to deliver positive social, and economic outcomes as well as ecological gains.
1.5. This policy statement will work alongside, and where appropriate elements will be integrated within, all College policies and procedures.
1.6. We recognise that the full development of our policies and strategies in this area will require close collaboration with a wide range of partners and stakeholders, and that our success is impacted to some extent by the actions and initiatives of other parties that lie beyond our control.
2. Scope and application
2.1. This policy statement applies to all employees of the College that support the delivery of teaching, research, and services, and lays out the framework to engage and inspire the whole Birkbeck community into action.
2.2. This policy statement should be read in conjunction with the College’s associated policies, procedures, guidelines, applicable collective agreement provisions and any relevant and applicable legislation, and any other policy that may become applicable and/or relevant.
3. Definitions
3.1. For the purposes of this policy statement, the term
- 'Net zero' means a state in which the greenhouse gases going into the atmosphere are balanced by removal out of the atmosphere. To achieve net zero is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and/or to ensure that any ongoing emissions are balanced by removals. In the context of institutions of higher learning, this includes all Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions and means determining where emissions can be eliminated and where offsets will be required. (Source: CAUBO)
- 'Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions' means:
- Scope 1: Direct Emissions: Emissions from sources that are owned or controlled by the institution (such as Central Utilities, Science labs)
- Scope 2: Indirect Emissions: Emissions generated in the production of purchased electricity, heat, or steam consumed by the institution.
- Scope 3: Indirect Emissions from Upstream and Downstream Activities: Emissions from sources not owned or directly controlled by the institution that are a consequence of the activities of the institution. This includes the procurement of goods and services, transportation (commuting and business travel) and investments.
- 'Sustainability' means development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (United Nations, 2015).
4. Policy development
4.1 The College will develop a Sustainability Strategy and Net Zero Plan with an aim to achieve net zero on Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions and to significantly reduce Scope 3 emissions in a suitable timeframe; this strategy will be consistent with global and sector best practices.
4.2 The College will develop and maintain a framework to shape and drive sustainability initiatives across the College in its operations and will build capacity and awareness.
4.3 The College will develop and implement a process to collect environmental data using standardised reporting frameworks and will identify science-based targets to reduce Scope 1, 2 and 3 carbon emissions to net zero and will report this data on environmental impact and performance appropriately.
5. Roles and responsibilities
5.1. The University Executive Board (UEB) will be responsible for the implementation of this policy statement and has the authority to develop strategy, policy and procedure to that effect, namely regarding but not limited to:
- the establishment of sustainability standards for transportation, energy, procurement, waste management, biodiversity protection, and capital construction;
- establishing mechanisms to implement the University Sustainability Strategy and Net Zero Plan;
- and defining processes through which all faculties, divisions and units must track, measure, evaluate and report on their progress toward achieving the goals established under the College Sustainability Strategy.
5.2. Work done to date to support the development of this policy statement includes:
- Heat Decarbonisation Plan developed and approved by Strategic Infrastructure and Estates Committee on 15 May 2024.
- Renewable energy PV proposals as part of the Heat Decarbonisation Plan.
- Estates Strategy focused on improving the quality and sustainable performance of the Birkbeck estate.
- Continuous improvement with ongoing investment in estate energy and carbon reduction (e.g. LED lighting, replacement of end-of-life equipment with more efficient modern equipment).
- LCMB contracted to develop an Energy and Carbon Management Plan for the College, with an initial delivery date in December 2024 for the first phase of the work.
- Business Travel Working Group established to build sustainability considerations into travel planning, alongside other cognate considerations (such as trusted research, insurance etc.).
- New Head of Sustainability role created and recruited to to carry this programme of work forward.
6. Review
6.1. This policy statement will be reviewed and updated as appropriate approximately every month by the Colleges Sustainability Working Group during the implementation phase of this work.
6.2. During the review, the policy will remain in full force and effect. UEB will review this policy statement every term for the duration of the work of the task and finish group.
6.3. The public version of this policy statement will be updated on a termly basis following UEB review.
Date of last review: 28.11.2024
Date of next review: on or before 28 March 2025