Photography from past Arts week events
- 'Bee Composed Live: Honeybee Communication'.
- 'Casting Code: Reflections on 3D Printing'.
- 'Curating Sound for Difficult Histories'.
- 'It Repeats on You: An Installation'.
- 'Last Night Music'.
- 'Learning from Robin Hood Gardens'.
- 'Marilyn Monroe: An Unlikely Feminist?'.
- 'On Reflection: A Wander with a Black Mirror'.
- 'Theatre Scratch Night'.
- 'Three-Minute Thesis and Poster Competition'.
- 'Transitional States: Hormones at the Crossroads of Art and Science'.
- 'Bee Composed: Can We Survive if Bees Are Gone?'.
- '"Cultural Sniper": The Jo Spence Memorial Library and Archive'.
- 'Doing and Thinking: Methods in Practice-Based Research'.
- 'Mr A. Moves in Mysterious Ways: Selected Artists from the Adamson Collection'.
- 'Poetry Live!'.
- 'Stories from the Birthing Room'.
- 'Theatres of Contagion: "Passion, I See, is Catching"'.
- 'Theatres of Contagion: Plague, Inc.'.
- 'Theatres of Contagion: Relating Dis/ease'.
- 'Theatres of Contagion: "Re-Member Me"'.
- 'Theatres of Contagion: Street Theatre Performance'.
- '2017 Theatre Scratch Night'.
- 'Conventions of Proximity in Art' (symposium): day one and day two.
- 'Curating Difficult Objects'.
- 'Digital Us: Are We "Together" in a Networked Culture?'.
- 'Gendering Austerity'.
- 'In Conversation: Tim Hincks'.
- 'Indigenous Filmmaking in Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Columbia'.
- 'Modernism in Bloomsbury'.
- 'Performing Bodies, Crossing Borders'.
- 'RELAPSE - Identity' (exhibition): exhibition installation and exhibition launch.
- 'The Salt of the Earth'.
- 'The Contemporary: An Exhibition'.
- 'What's My Cue?'.
- 'Blake's Dream: Vala or the Four Zoas - performance and discussion'.
- 'Blake's Dream: Vala or the Four Zoas - rehearsal'.
- 'Developing a Career in the Arts'.
- 'Environmental Futures: Oil, Ecology, Petrocultures'.
- 'Found in Translation: The Man Booker International Prize'.
- 'Gendering Austerity: Cultures of Coping and the Work of Consumption'.
- 'Guilt and Utopian Space'.
- 'Is the Playwright Dead?'.
- 'Realities of Precariousness'.
- 'Shadow Portrait Workshop'.
- 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner: A Performance'.
- 'Vasari Centre Past and Future: 25 Years of Digital Arts Research at Birkbeck and The Lumen Prize Exhibition'.
- 'World Factory: The Politics of Conversation'.
- '2015 Theatre Scratch Night'.