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Law in Context


There are no classes currently available for registration.


Our Law in Context short course looks at aspects affecting:

  • law
  • justice
  • social perception of crime.

You will be introduced to several themes and critically reflect on these. For example, you will look at the reasons for prosecuting a criminal behaviour from a public interest point of view; you will consider how the media might affect social perception about crime and justice; and you will evaluate some of the problems in using crime statistics. Finally, you will reflect on the question of when it is necessary to criminalise a harm and what happens when existing legislation is not able to protect against harmful behaviour.

The discussions in class on these themes will help you to carry out your own mini research on a legal topic.

This can be taken as a standalone short course or as a part of:

30 credits at level 4

  • Entry requirements

    Entry requirements

    Most of our short courses have no formal entry requirements and are open to all students.

    This short course has no prerequisites.

    As part of the enrolment process, you may be required to submit a copy of a suitable form of ID.

    International students who wish to come to the UK to study a short course can apply for a Visitor visa. Please note that it is not possible to obtain a Student visa to study a short course.

  • How to apply

    How to apply

    You register directly onto the classes you would like to take. Classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis - so apply early. If you wish to take more than one short course, you can select each one separately and then register onto them together via our online application portal. There is usually no formal selection process, although some modules may have prerequisites and/or other requirements, which will be specified where relevant.