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Introduction to Ancient Greek (Level 4)


Wednesday 02 October 2024 - Wednesday 21 May 2025, 6pm-9pm

24 sessions - Check class timetable


Our Introduction to Ancient Greek short course is a study of the Ancient Greek language for complete beginners. Teaching will be based on a combination of grammar and translation, allowing you to understand the inner workings of the language and providing you with the necessary tools to read and translate simple passages. There will be new grammar points to be learned every week, as well as translation practice and simple English into Greek composition.

The aim of the course is to introduce you to the basic principles of Classical Greek. It provides a firm basis of grammar, sentence structure and vocabulary of the language, through which you will be able to read and translate into English simple passages of Greek prose. By the end of the module you will have gained sufficient knowledge of the language to be able to approach and successfully translate adapted passages of Greek prose.

Teaching is varied and interactive, including practice in reading and translating Greek in each class, using texts in the textbook and, later, taken from actual Greek documents, with some further practice on points of grammar and vocabulary. You will be encouraged, especially later in the course, to suggest Greek texts for use in class.

Assessment is via a three-hour examination (60%), take-home translation (20%) and 1.5-hour in-class test (20%).

This can be taken as a standalone short course or as a part of:

30 credits at level 4

  • Entry requirements

    Entry requirements

    No prior knowledge of the language is necessary. This module is open to anyone with an interest and enthusiasm for the subject. However, all modules are taught at university level, and you must be able to read, write and speak English fluently to benefit from your studies.

    As part of the enrolment process, you may be required to submit a copy of a suitable form of ID.

    International students who wish to come to the UK to study a short course can apply for a Visitor visa. Please note that it is not possible to obtain a Student visa to study a short course.

  • How to apply

    How to apply

    You register directly onto the classes you would like to take. Classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis - so apply early. If you wish to take more than one short course, you can select each one separately and then register onto them together via our online application portal. There is usually no formal selection process, although some modules may have prerequisites and/or other requirements, which will be specified where relevant.