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Contemporary Performance Cultures: Ideas and Approaches


  • Credit value: 30 credits at Level 7
  • Convenor: Dr Seda Ilter
  • Assessment: a 1000-word critical performance archive (25%) and 4000-word essay (75%)

Module description

In this module we introduce you to the main theories and ideas shaping contemporary theatre and performance, and the ways in which they are deployed as methods of theatre and performance analysis. You will develop skills in the examination of text and performance, and in the conceptualisation and contextualisation of theatre practice, in ways that will support understanding across the degree’s modules. 

Learning objectives

By the end of this module, you will be able to: 

  • identify and discuss some of the key issues and debates in contemporary theatre and performance  
  • develop your understanding of a range of methodological and conceptual approaches for the study of theatre and performance  
  • foster skills in the description, analysis and documentation of theatre and performance in light of contextual research and archival investigation  
  • understand and articulate the difference between varied performance forms and practices and apply this acquired knowledge to discussions, tasks and assessments  
  • identify and analyse contemporary concerns relating to theatre and performance in London  
  • develop academic writing skills.