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Film Festivals


  • Credit value: 30 credits at Level 7
  • Convenor: Dr Dorota Ostrowska
  • Assessment: a 3000-word essay (50%) and 2000-word Berlinale field trip report (50%)

Module description

In this module we explore the role of film festivals in relation to contemporary film culture and ask 'why do film festivals matter today and historically?' We will employ a variety of perspectives through which this relationship will be considered:

  • programming
  • audiences
  • event-based cultural experience
  • industry and funding
  • the status of films which make up the programming of the festival.

We will reflect on how the relationship between contemporary film and film festival cultures is impacted by changes in technology; the site/location/space of the festival; politics, identity politics and geopolitics. We will look at different types of film festivals: city-based, international, identity, national, activist, archival and genre.

The Berlinale field trip offers an invaluable insight into the workings of a major international film festival and global film industry. You will need to attend a minimum of seven full days. There is an additional cost associated with the field trip.

You will also be entitled to a free student pass for the BFI London Film Festival.