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Art and Photography Since 1970


  • Credit value: 30 credits at Level 7
  • Convenor: Laurie Taylor
  • Assessment: a 5000-word essay (100%)

Module description

This module focuses on the diverse uses of photography in artistic practice from 1970 to the present, with a special emphasis upon the equally diverse object forms those photographs have taken. From the snapshots and Polaroids of conceptual art to the large-scale colour prints and Diasecs prevalent in much contemporary art, the materiality of photographs in fine art and exhibition contexts has varied wildly, privileging different interpretations, be they social, political, conceptual, or aesthetic. With sessions on photography and performance, the page, the pictorial, appropriation and ‘alternative’ processes, this module will trace the diverse ways in which photographs, over the past 50 years, have generated artistic meaning beyond the image.