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Art in London


  • Credit value: 30 credits at Level 4
  • Convenor: to be confirmed
  • Assessment: a co-written blog (0%) and two 500-word sole-authored blogs (25% and 75%)

Module description

This module is centred around a series of site visits, inviting you to think critically about where and how art is displayed. You will visit six museums, galleries or sites in London to investigate different types of museum architecture, exhibitions and interpretation; we will also look at artwork in non-art spaces such as train stations, parks, city squares and corporate headquarters, as well as in churches and historic houses.

These visits will be supported by a series of workshops in the classroom, and you will be invited to work individually and collaboratively to critically reflect on themes such as location, institutions, place and curation.

Site visits may include:

  • The British Museum
  • Tate Modern
  • St Paul’s Cathedral
  • King's Cross Station
  • The Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square

Learning objectives

By the end of this module, you will:

  • understand the issues around the display of art and artefacts in diverse institutions and settings in London
  • understand the factors at play in preparing visual and textual content for social media posts
  • have experience of working in groups and assessing peers’ work.