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MRes Dissertation


  • Credit value: 90 credits at Level 7
  • Convenor: to be confirmed
  • Assessment: a 20,000-word dissertation (100%)

Module description

The dissertation is a piece of independent research supervised by a member of staff, in an area that is of interest to you. It provides an alternative form of assessment to conventional, formal examinations and coursework.

Through allowing you to choose your own subject area, pace of work and approach, it enables you to benefit from your own strengths and interests by demonstrating originality and creativity. You are expected to choose a topic that is related to your programme of study.

Learning objectives

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • learn by way of actually carrying out research
  • develop and learn from existing knowledge or expertise in a particular area of interest within the field of enquiry
  • apply theories, concepts and principles learned in the degree programme using empirical analysis
  • prepare for comparable work in employment, whether in an academic environment (eg doctoral, teaching or further research), in employment that requires well-trained Master's graduates to undertake research, or in consultancy.