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Big Data Management


Module description

In this module we focus on how data-driven and analytical approaches can be used to inform decisions from a senior management perspective. We will discuss how senior management integrate a data-driven approach into the organisation, how they lead and develop a culture that embraces the value of data, but also consider the ethical issues around the use of data (e.g. data privacy).

Indicative syllabus

  • Business analytics capability assessment
  • Business analytics strategy development
  • Business analytics methodology (BAM)
  • Building a business analytics use case
  • Design thinking
  • Leadership and organisational change (data-driven culture)
  • Managing analytics people
  • Consulting skills
  • Ethical issues in analytics (privacy, security, governance, regulation)

Learning objectives

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • understand the internal and external environmental factors that affect organisational decision-making
  • understand the application of data analytics, statistics and forecasting techniques and tools to support decision-making
  • communicate effectively with different audiences, either orally or in writing, through data analytics.