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Core Coaching Skills


  • Credit value: 30 credits at Level 7
  • Convenor: Janet Sheath
  • Assessment: a 500-word draft contract (10%), two 2000-word client reviews (45% each) and a non-assessed supervision log

Module description

In this module we help you develop the core coaching skills required to begin work as an evidence-based and reflective coach, who can work at depth with clients with a range of work-based and career needs.

You will attend:

  • five Saturday skills days
  • five evening digital coaching practice sessions
  • five case discussion sessions
  • six practice client contact hours (with additional preparation and reflective practice time).

Indicative syllabus

  • Contracting with clients
  • Core coaching skills x 2
  • Transference in coaching
  • Counter transference in coaching
  • Digital coaching
  • Coaching in organisations

Learning objectives

By the end of this module, you will have:

  • developed and practised core coaching skills to start working at depth with career clients
  • an in-depth theoretical knowledge of coaching skills
  • developed an evidence-based approach to working with coaching clients
  • the skills to begin to support individuals to identify and explore their coaching and career development needs and aspirations
  • the capacity to begin to build and maintain client-centred relationships
  • the skills of reflective practice to develop an ethical approach to working with clients
  • the ability to respond appropriately to clients
  • an understanding of the dynamics present in coaching relationships
  • an ability for critical self-reflection on the ways in which the coach impacts on the coaching process
  • established a small career coaching or coaching practice, supported with professional supervision
  • developed effective coaching contracts for both organisational and individual coaching clients
  • an understanding of, and practised, working online and in person with clients and managed the transition between these different modalities
  • an understanding through personal development work of your own career development.