Information Systems
- Credit value: 15 credits at Level 7
- Convenor: Dr Brian Gannon
- Assessment: an online quiz (30%) and examination (70%)
Module description
In this module we describe approaches, processes, methodologies and techniques commonly used for large-scale enterprise information systems (EIS) development. We start with enterprise architecture and place the systems development activity in the context of the enterprise IT estate. We then cover the systems development life cycle (SDLC), including project initiation, analysis, design and deployment, addressing key challenges and techniques at each stage. Waterfall and agile approaches are described, and Scrum is presented in more detail as an example of a popular software development methodology. We cover typical activities in the operation of EIS and describe the DevOps role and function.
The module also incorporates insights into professional, legal and ethical issues associated with information systems, including the role of the information systems practitioner in society.
Indicative syllabus
- Theories of information systems
- EIS in everyday life
- Agile and waterfall methodologies
- The information systems development life cycle (SDLC)
- Project initiation - identification and selection
- Requirements analysis and high level design
- Detailed design
- EIS deployment (implementation)
- EIS operations
- EIS contracts, business planning and defective software
- Data protection, freedom of information
- Intellectual property rights
- Computer misuse and information surveillance
- Computer ethics
Learning objectives
By the end of this module, you should:
- understand how information and communications technologies are deployed
- be able to make informed professional decisions about IS development in fast-changing socio-technical environments, including understanding how to use information-processing constructs including files and data schemata, programs and other coded units, and the contexts to which they will be fitted
- be familiar with some of the practical aspects associated with a career as an IS professional
- be able to describe key social and organisational aspects of enterprise computing.