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Introduction to Database Technology


  • Credit value: 15 credits at Level 4
  • ConvenorJerry Smallwood
  • Assessment: two portfolios (40% and 60%)

Module description

In this module you will learn the basic principles of database design and have the opportunity to apply them to a small business case study. We also introduce you to basic relational database design and development so that you can apply relational database technology in the workplace.

Indicative syllabus

  • Relational databases: uses; advantages/disadvantages; comparison with flat-file databases
  • Relational database management systems: MySQL and benefits of open source software
  • Basic database concepts: entities and attributes; tables and relationships; primary and foreign keys; data types
  • The use of the SQL query language for data definition and data manipulation, providing practical grounding for further study of information systems
  • Database design: use of entity-relationship diagrams to model user requirements; database documentation
  • Data manipulation: enter, update and delete data; define criteria to retrieve specified data; use JOIN to retrieve data from multiple tables

Learning objectives

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • give examples of common uses for databases
  • explain the benefits of using relational databases
  • describe the components of a relational database
  • select appropriate representations for data
  • produce an entity-relationship diagram for a given scenario
  • implement a database model to meet specified requirements
  • use SQL to create a database and manipulate stored data
  • design queries to retrieve specified information from both single and multiple tables.