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Culture, Community, Identity


  • Credit value: 30 credits at Level 7
  • Convenor: Dr Yasmeen Narayan
  • Assessment: a 4000-word essay (100%) and an unassessed five-minute presentation

Module description

In this interdisciplinary module we examine postcolonial cultures, communities and identities framed by broader public debates on the persistent criminalisation of historically marginalised communities and contemporary colonial occupation and warfare. We discuss the ethics and politics of work on racism, postcoloniality and decoloniality; orientalism, primitivism and colonial nationalisms; retheorisations of culture, community, hybridity and creolisation and postcolonial belonging, urban cultures and diaspora.

We then explore contemporary global multiculture, 'race' and 'beauty' before turning to debates on the imperial histories of 'western feminisms', ‘carceral feminisms,’ 'homonationalisms' and the ‘War on Terror' and postcolonial racial nationalisms and religious authoritarian movements. We examine debates on migration and health; histories of criminalisation, policing and community resistance in Britain and 'whiteness' and contemporary legacies of empire.