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Theatre Making


  • Credit value: 30 credits at Level 4
  • Convenor: Dr Molly Flynn
  • Assessment: two pieces of coursework of 1100 words (25% each) and a group performance presentation (50%)

Module description

Theatre Making is a skills-based module that builds an essential foundation for your practice and thinking as a student of theatre and performance. The module is made up of a series of hands-on workshops in which you will encounter a range of practices and techniques that are essential to an understanding of theatre and its place within a broader study of history and culture. You will work both conceptually and practically to understand forms as diverse as digital theatre making, improvisation, theatre for social change, site-specific and immersive theatre.

Throughout the module you will maintain a practice journal in which you critically reflect on the workshops and the ideas you encounter. The practice-based workshops will be supplemented by a range of critical texts for your independent reading and research.

Indicative syllabus

  • Digital dramaturgies
  • Documentary theatre
  • Site-specific theatre
  • Improvisation
  • Script analysis
  • Scenography and space
  • Devised theatre making

Learning objectives

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • demonstrate knowledge of a range of international theatre practices
  • engage in consideration of theatre making as a form of research
  • demonstrate skills in theatre making across styles including documentary theatre, physical theatre and digital theatre making
  • work independently and in the context of a group to create an original piece of performance research.