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Foundations of Astrobiology


  • Credit value: 30 credits at Level 7
  • Convenor: Dr Andrew Rushby
  • Assessment: a 3000-word essay/report (25%) and 2.5-hour examination (75%)

Module description

This module will provide a detailed overview of our current and rapidly evolving understanding of the distribution of life in the galaxy. This includes the search for habitable environments and life on solar system objects and distant exoplanets, analogue studies and lab-based experiments on Earth, as well as research outlining the history of life on Earth and modelling studies uncovering life’s biogeochemical limits.

We will also discuss the future of human and robotic space exploration of habitable environments and the search for life in the solar system and beyond, while considering the historical development and philosophical context of astrobiology research.

Indicative syllabus

  • Stellar evolution, planetary formation and the astrophysical environment of habitable planets
  • Formation of the solar system, planetary migration, differentiation of the terrestrial planets
  • Prebiotic environments on the Earth and prebiotic chemical evolution
  • Methods of exoplanet detection, including former, contemporary and future ground-based radial velocity, on-orbit photometric, spectroscopic, polarimetric, direct imaging, microlensing and interferometric methods
  • Methods of exoplanet characterisation, including atmospheric spectroscopy, climate modelling and exoplanet systems science, as well as statistical methods in exoplanet science (machine learning, AI classifiers)
  • The co-evolution of life and the planet: biogeochemical and climatological feedbacks, atmospheric and geochemical evolution of terrestrial planets, mass-extinction events and the palaeontological record of life on Earth
  • Habitability: the astronomical habitable zone, habitability metrics, temporal habitability, habitable environments beyond the HZ, alternative biochemistries, extremophiles
  • Solar system: astrobiological investigations of Mars and Solar System planets and moons - past/current/future missions etc
  • Biosignatures: history, examples, techniques, controversies, current/future prospects
  • Technosignatures and SETI: history, rationale, potential examples, techniques (active, passive) etc.
  • Philosophical concepts in astrobiology, including: the anthropic principle, the Rare Earth and Gaia hypotheses, as well as the potential social and economic impacts of the discovery of life and habitable environments elsewhere in the solar system and/or beyond

Learning objectives

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • demonstrate knowledge of our current understanding of the distribution of life, and the varied methods and techniques involved in the search for life and habitable environments, in the solar system and beyond
  • demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the landscape of possibilities for the future astrobiological exploration of the solar system and beyond
  • understand how knowledge of astrobiology is obtained, including hypothesis testing
  • assess potential proposals according to objective scientific criteria.