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Understanding Biological Basis of Behaviour


  • Credit value: 15 credits at Level 4
  • Convenor: Michael Mallaghan
  • Assessment: a one-hour short-answer paper (50%) and one-hour timed essay (50%)

Module description

In this module we examine the relationship between biology, behaviour and mental processes, in particular the role of the brain and nervous system. The module is specifically designed for anyone interested in biology and human behaviour. You will also assess whether the study of animal behaviour helps us understand our own behaviour.

Indicative syllabus

  • The structure of the brain and nervous system: the way biochemical processes and hormones come to influence behaviour; sensory processes, specifically vision
  • Evolution, adaptation and genetics: the action of a gene, structure of a brain, relation of the individual to his/her environment, evolutionary events; how far human behaviour can be accounted for in terms of evolution and genetics
  • Research methods and ethics: methods used by physiological psychologists; justification for using animals in our research; biological aspects of psychological processes; biology of language, memory, stress, anxiety, depression and addiction; biological aspects of social life and social organisation