Developmental Science
- Credit value: 15 credits at Level 7
- Convenor: Dr Ori Ossmy
- Assessment: a 500-word written assignment (5%), one-hour test (25%) and 1500-word final essay (70%)
Module description
In this module we introduce you to research and theory of developmental psychology, focusing on primary and secondary school ages. Seminal theories and basic research of individual growth and development are analysed and critiqued. Emphasis is placed on the importance of understanding the influence of culture and socioeconomic level. Relations between home, school, and community as well as their impact on development are also explored through readings, lectures and discussions.
Indicative syllabus
- History, theory, research and methods in developmental psychology
- Biological and behavioural foundations of development
- Physical, cognitive, social and emotional development from infancy to adolescence
- Introduction to language development
- Atypical development, in particular ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, and disorders of behaviour
- Theories of intelligence from a developmental perspective
Learning objectives
By the end of this module, you will be able to:
- identify and explain major theories of social, emotional, cognitive and physical development across the lifespan (infancy, childhood, adolescence)
- examine the ways in which culture, ethnicity, class and social identities (e.g. socioeconomic status, sexual identity and ethnicity) influence the various domains of development.