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Psychology Study Skills


Module description

In this module we support your learning and help you develop core skills in the study of psychology, including:

  • use of library and online resources
  • reading skills
  • essay writing
  • refencing and plagiarism
  • developing your academic voice
  • essay writing for exams
  • using feedback and understanding marking criteria
  • critical thinking
  • communication and presentation skills.

Learning objectives

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • plan your study time, including use of plans, drafts and study aids
  • meet and manage deadlines
  • use a range of learning resources, including electronic resources
  • describe and practise note-taking techniques
  • describe and practise effective reading techniques, including evaluation and critical thinking
  • use effective revision techniques
  • produce an academic essay for psychology
  • demonstrate awareness of the characteristics of the British academic register and how to develop, structure and express arguments in an appropriate language
  • understand the assessment process including requirements for length and inclusion of appropriate references
  • analyse essay questions
  • incorporate evidence and alternative points of view into analyses and acknowledge other 'voices' in essays and reports through the efficient use of a bibliography and referencing systems
  • outline, structure and write an essay to degree standard
  • understand the importance of proofreading and editing your essays.