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The Two Irelands 1911-1998


  • Credit value: 30 credits at Level 7
  • Convenor: Dr Sean Brady
  • Assessment: coursework of 1000 words (20%) and a 4000-word essay (80%)

Module description

In this module we will examine the history of cultures, society, politics and religion in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in the twentieth century. We will also examine Britain's troubled relationship with the two Irelands, and the place of Ireland, north and south, in the European and broader international community.

This unique module also fosters comparative approaches in the history of Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. The historiography in these fields often are disconnected: the Troubles in Northern Ireland, for example, rarely if ever are considered in the historiography of contemporary Britain. We seek to foster new research and new approaches to the history of the two Irelands.

Through study of interdisciplinary scholarship and new primary sources, you will examine the history of politics, culture, conflict and terrorism, civil war, the break-up of the United Kingdom, devolution, religious extremism, gender and sexuality, civil society, concepts of peace, sectarianism, emigration and religion.