Annual events
- cumberland-lodge-2017.pdf
- cumberland-lodge-2016.pdf
- cumberland-lodge-2015.pdf
- cumberland-lodge-2014.pdf
- cumberland-lodge-2013.pdf
- cumberland-lodge-2012.pdf
- the-profession-of-speech-and-language-therapy-slides-katie-monelly.pdf
- peltz-gallery-calendar-18-19.pdf
- This is a PDF of the calendar of current and future events and exhibitions at the Peltz Gallery at Birkbeck, University of London.
- peltz-gallery-protocol.pdf
- This PDF document provides practical information for those who wish to exhibit in the Peltz Gallery at Birkbeck, University of London.
- peltz-gallery-technical-specs.pdf
- This PDF document outlines the technical specification of the Peltz Gallery at Birkbeck, University of London.
- peltz-lookbook.pdf
- This PDF lookbook provides information about, and images of, previous exhibitions and events at the Peltz Galery at Birkbeck, University of London.
- peltz-gallery-directors-report-2014-15.docx
- This is a PDF document of the Director's Report for the Peltz Gallery at Birkbeck, Universty of London.
- peltz-gallery-directors-report-2015-16.docx
- This is a PDF document of the Director's Report for the Peltz Gallery at Birkbeck, Universty of London.
- Missing London
- A specially produced booklet of the Arts Weeks 2021 microarchive, Missing London.
- critical-theory-summer-school-testimonials.docx