Visa documents
- mock-bank-statement.pdf
- This is a mocked-up example of an acceptable bank statement, which is part of the Tier 4 visa application process.
- example-letter-parent.pdf
- This is an example of a letter confirming that your parents are financially supporting your studies, which is part of the Tier 4 visa application process.
- mock-financial-sponsor-letter.pdf
- This is a mocked-up example of a financial sponsor letter, which is part of the Tier 4 visa application process.
- atas-research-proposal-examples.pdf
- These are examples of acceptable research proposals for the Academic Technology Approval Scheme.
- CAS-terms-and-conditions.pdf
- These are Birkbeck's terms and conditions for the issuance of a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS), which is part of the Student visa application process.
- description-cas-statement.pdf
- Description of Confirmation for Access to Studies statement.
- student-route-responsibilities.pdf
- Read about the responsibilities for those holding a Student visa.
- student-visa-deposit-terms-and-conditions.pdf
- Read the terms and conditions for paying the Student Visa deposit.