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BISR Political and Social Theory Seminar: The Politics of Home

Venue: Birkbeck Main Building, Malet Street

No booking required

BISR Political and Social Theory Seminar: The Politics of Home

Speaker: Dr Hagar Kotef, SOAS

In the second of this term's Political and Social Theory Seminars, Dr Hagar Kotef will examine the politics of 'home' and the production of political belonging (both national and individual) amidst conditions of structural violence. Focusing on Israel/Palestine, Kotef will seek to understand how people develop attachments to spaces and places when these attachments themselves facilitate state violence. She will point to a work of memory through which violence becomes not invisible but rather banal, rendered an uncontested part of one's political identity.

Free event open to all - If you wish to attend, please email Jason Edwards.

This event is held jointly with the Department of Politics Research in Progress seminar.

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