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Dr Dagmara Dimitriou (Annaz): The role of sleep on cognitive and behavioural functioning in children.

Venue: Birkbeck Main Building, Malet Street

No booking required

Dr Dagmara Dimitriou (Annaz), UCL

"The role of sleep in cognitive and behavioural functioning in children" Typically children spend more than half of their time sleeping, compared to about one-third for adults. Yet the impact of sleep on cognitive and behavioural development is still in its infancy. Several studies have now reported that optimal quality and quantity of sleep leads to more effectivelearning, in terms of knowledge acquisition and memory consolidation (Gomez et al., 2006; Wilhelm, Prehn-Kristensen & Born, 2012). In contrast, poor sleep quality during development, particularly sleep fragmentation appears to be a predictor of lower academic performance, reduced attentional capacities (e.g., Ashworth, Hill, Karmiloff-Smith & Dimitriou, 2014), poor executive function (Archbold, Giordani, Ruzicka & Chervin, 2004; Edgin et al., 2015) and challenging behaviours (Lewin, Rosen, England & Dahl, 2002). In this talk, I will present evidence from our latest work on sleep related learning in typically developing groups as well as those with ADHD, Down syndrome and Williams syndrome.