Data observatory infrastructures for interdisciplinary research
Birkbeck Main Building, Malet Street
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Data analysis has been an essential instrucment for scientific discourse that dates back many centuries. The printing press enabled access to data and the publication of observations on those data. The Internet has provided new ways of data sharing, introducing a number of challenges at the same time. This presentation discusses data observatories as decentralised platforms for sharing data and observations, and how they have been deployed in a number of different settings for interdisciplinary research. A reference architecture is presented in order to explore technological challenges of data observatories as well as legal and ethical ones. The benefts of decentralisation and future developments are also discussed.
Thanassis is Associate Professor with the Web and Internet Science Group at the University of Southampton in the UK. His research interests include distributed data infrastructures, semantic technologies, and distributed analytics across data repositories and the IoT edge. He has worked for over 20 years in national and European projects in telecom, Internet and Semantic Web research and engages in interdisciplinary research in Web Science and Internet Science. He is a senior member of IEEE and a chartered IT professional with BCS. He is also visiting associate professor at the department of Computer Science at the National University of Singapore.
Contact name:
Dr Thanassis Tiropanis, Southampton University