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Biological Sciences Postgraduate Taster Evening

Venue: Online

Book your place

Join our online Department of Biological Sciences Postgraduate Event on Thursday 30 July 2020 (5-6 pm) and find out about the wide range of programmes available.

The event will include:

A welcome reception and an overview of each of our postgraduate courses, including the attendance options available (full time/part time/distance learning).

Examples of the Biological Sciences teaching and research facilities in the department.

Q&A session giving you the chance to talk to admissions tutors about the individual programmes and what to expect in terms of content, workload, and future careers.


Biological Sciences postgraduate degrees include:

MSc Microbiology, MSc Bioinformatics, MSc Analytical Bioscience, MSc Analytical Chemistry, MSc Bio-Business, MSc Structural Molecular Biology
MRes Structural Biology, MRes Bioinformatics, MRes Global Infectious Diseases, MRes Chemical Research

A range of Postgraduate Certificate and Postgraduate Diploma options are also available.
Once you've booked your place, we'll send you further information about how to join the event online.

If you have queries about the event please contact us via

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