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Arabian Nights Volume 1: The Restless One

Venue: Birkbeck 43 Gordon Square

No booking required

Arabian Nights: Volume 1 - The Restless One, Miguel Gomes, 2015, 125 mins



'In which Scheherazade tells of the restlessness that befell the country: 'It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that in a sad country among all countries, where people dream of mermaids and whales, and unemployment is spreading. In certain places, forests burn into the night despite the falling rain; men and women long to set out to sea in the middle of Winter. Sometimes there are animals that talk although it is highly improbable that they are listened to. In this country, where things are not what they appear to be, men of power promenade on camels and hide permanent and shameful erections; they await the moment when taxes are collected so they can pay a certain wizard whom...' And seeing the morning break, Scheherazade fell silent.' (The Match Factory)

The screening of the three episodes of Miguel Gomes's Arabian Nights (The Restless One, The Desolate One, The Enchanted One) is part of a wider event on Culture and Crisis in Portugal during the recent economic crisis and financial bailout taking place in the country. The event will include other film screenings, video presentations and debates with artists and political militants.

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