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Open House? Reflections on the Possibility & Practice of MPs Job-Sharing

Venue: External

No booking required

The Fawcett Society is hosting the launch of 'Open House?', a collection of essays discussing the issue of whether job-sharing MPs is something that could ever be achieved. Professor Rosie Campbell and Professor Sarah Childs of the Department of Politics at Birkbeck are publishing the pamphlet.

The report follows the publication of the Good Parliament last year. Even though the issue of MPs with multiple jobs is regularly in the news, it is still thought inconceivable in some quarters that two people could represent a constituency. Yet arguments in favour include that it would make the role more possible for disabled people or those with caring responsibilities, both of which are under-represented.

Join us for a debate on this issue, with a panel chaired by Heather Stewart, job-sharing political editor at the Guardian, and including Caroline Lucas MP who job-shares her role as leader of the Green Party with Jon Bartley, Tom Brake MP and Professor Rosie Campbell of Birkbeck University, along with other cross-party speakers. Rosie is publishing the pamphlet in partnership with Professor Sarah Childs of the University of Bristol, and Fawcett.

Places are limited so please RSVP to if you would like to attend.

This event is run by the Fawcett Society. Any questions should be directed towards that organisation.