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'Thinkers for our time': Sigmund Freud. Panel Discussion at the British Academy

Venue: External

No booking required

Thinkers for our Time: Sigmund Freud

The work of Freud has shaped ideas, discussion and social discourse since the start of the twentieth century. Join us as we revisit his key ideas and the influence they have had on society over the past hundred years.

This event is the first in a new series re-examining the life and works of influential historical figures from across the humanities and social sciences, exploring the important and continuing influences they have on society and debating their place as key thinkers for our time.

Free: registration required (click here)


Professor Stephen Frosh, Birkbeck, University of London
Professor Ankhi Mukherjee, University of Oxford
Dr Shohini Chaudhuri, University of Essex
Dr Jana Funke, University of Exeter