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Bloomsbury Humanitarian Debate: Resilience in the humanitarian sector

Venue: External

No booking required

This is fifth event in the Bloomsbury Humanitarian Debate Series run by Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF). This event explores the topic of Resilience, and its role in the humanitarian sector.

As more and more NGOs, multi-mandate aid agencies and local actors focus their attention on building resilience within vulnerable communities, we ask what this concept really means for the humanitarian sector, and specifically how this concept is of use (or not) in responding to humanitarian crises.

Is building resilient communities and systems the inevitable future of aid work, and does it provide the best way to ensure long term support to some of the world's most vulnerable people? Or is this new concept being deployed as a way to cut spending and combine development and humanitarian agendas under the umbrella of a stabilisation agenda?

Is resilience building the most relevant approach for humanitarian response in conflicts and conflict related crises such as famines or the displacement of populations? Or is this concept a hollow buzz word whose further implications are irrelevant or unrealistic for the future of humanitarian action?

Come and join the debate and let your opinion help shape the future of the sector!


Sandrine Tiller, Humanitarian Advisor, MSF
Paul Harvey, Partner, Humanitarian Outcomes
Professor Mark Duffield, Bristol University
Professor Virginia Murray, Cambridge University

Chaired by Ishbel Matheson. Director of Communications, Open Data Institute

Admission: Free and open to all with no ticket required. Entry is on a first come, first served basis.


John Snow A Lecture Theatre
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Keppel Street

Date and Time

Tuesday, 17th June 2014. 6:00pm - 8:00pm