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Birkbeck Philosophy Society - Summer Term Talk Series: Neil Barton

Venue: Birkbeck 30 Russell Square

No booking required

Tuesday 23rd June 2015 - Neil Barton

Modality, Mathematics, and Time: A common flaw in modal arguments

Modality in the context of mathematical discourse has received increased attention recently. In this paper I analyse a kind of modal argument that can be brought against certain kinds of views concerning mathematics; that mathematical reality is constrained in certain ways. One objection is through *modal considerations*, we want mathematics to tell us about any possible objects whatsoever. I note that there is a close analogy between these arguments and Godel's argument against the reality of Time. Both, I contend, fall flat against their targets for similar reasons; an imprecision in the modality used in the arguments results in principles that appear true, but are unlikely to be jointly accepted with the *same* modality by the parties in question.