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Philosophy Summer Workshop and Picnic

Venue: Birkbeck 43 Gordon Square

No booking required

The Birkbeck Department of Philosophy is celebrating the end of the year by hosting a picnic and summer workshop on Saturday 16th June. We'll start at 11:30am with a picnic in Gordon Square Gardens, followed by a philosophy workshop featuring talks on ethics and politics, and a panel discussion led by Birkbeck's Stacie Friend. Afterwards, please join us for pizza and drinks in the George Birkbeck bar.

All current and prospective Birkbeck Philosophy students are welcome. We look forward to seeing you there!

Please click here to RSVP via Eventbrite.


In Gordon Square Gardens (alternative room in case of bad weather: Malet St, Room 402)

11:30-14:00: Picnic

In Malet St, Room 421

14:00-15:00: Elizabeth Edenberg (Georgetown).

Say it to my Facebook: [Un]reasonable disagreement in the age of social media

Contemporary society is rife with conflict over moral and religious ideals. Complicating this broader disagreement on questions of morality are new challenges to agreement on basic facts about our world. Much of this division is fueled by the new ways in which we access information'"through digital means that are increasingly tailored to show us information we want to see. This results in the splintering of a common understanding of basic facts about our world needed to inform responsible civic engagement. When society faces so many deep fractures, how should we build a community for political cooperation and mutual respect?

15:00-16:30: Aesthetics panel discussion with Stacie Friend (Birkbeck), Greg Currie (York), and Paloma Atencia-Linares (UNAM).

Pictures and Fiction

In this session we explore some of the relationships between fiction and pictures, such as: Can photographs be works of fiction, or be "of" fictional characters? Does the genre of portraiture allow for fictionality? What role do pictures play in works of literary fiction?

16:30-17:00: Coffee and snacks (in Malet St, Room 402)

17:00-18:00: Christopher Cowie (Durham)

A Minimally Good Life

You can choose to bring someone into existence. Should you do so? One of the facts you should consider is the quality of life, or welfare, of that person. It must be minimally good (or better). I discuss some of the difficulties and proposed solutions involved in thinking about what it is for a life to be minimally good.

In George Birkbeck Bar (4th floor Malet Street)

18:00-21:00: Pizza and drinks

Birkbeck Map (all talks and reception are in building 1).

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