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Science Saturdays 2021: The Microcosm

Venue: Online

No booking required

The Microcosm

Get on board! Public transport inside our cells - a talk by Dr Giulia Zanetti

A war in the vein? Antibodies versus viruses - a talk by Professor Adrian Shepherd

Our 2021 programme of free online science talks will be open to a global audience and live-streamed to Birkbeck's YouTube channel on Saturday mornings throughout May - use this YouTube link to join the session at 10.30 am.

These talks are part of 2021’s Science Saturdays, which is a joint event between Me, Human and Birkbeck - view the full programme.

Note: Speaker talks (excluding panel and question and answer sessions) will be recorded and may be used by Birkbeck for marketing and publicity in our publications, on our website and in social media and in third party publications.

(If you have an event query that you need answered on Thursday or Friday, please contact Dr Gilly Forrester.)

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