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Germany After Merkel: Online Roundtable on the German Federal Parliamentary Elections of 26 September

Venue: Online

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This year’s German federal elections are not only important but also – as opinion polls indicate – on a knife-edge. Birkbeck’s Jean Monnet Chair in Parliamentary Democracy and European Integration is organising this event that brings together eminent academic specialists and commentators to discuss this major political event, the key issues of the campaign, the main parties’ stances thereon, what one might expect in terms of Germany’s future EU policy, as well as Angela Merkel’s legacy.

Registration is free as well as compulsory


Andreas Busch, University of Göttingen - Merkel’s legacy

Annette Dittert, ARD - Campaign themes and party stances

Isabelle Hertner, King’s College, London - What to expect in terms of EU policy

Chair: Dr D. G. Dimitrakopoulos (Birkbeck)


A link for you to join this event will be emailed on the evening shorty before the event begins.

Contact name:

  • Andreas Busch (University of Gottingen) -

    University Professor (W3) for Comparative Politics and Political Economy at the University of Göttingen

    2009 Fellow of the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg

    2014 Elected Full Member of the Philological-Historical Class of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities

    • Chairman of the Research Commission "Demographic Change" of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities (since 2014)
    • Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (since 2010)
    • Member of the Board of the Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities (GCDH) (since 2010) and Deputy Chairman of the Board. Managing Director (since 2012)
    • Member of the Bertelsmann Foundation's Expert Panel on Sustainable Governance Indicators (since 2010)
    • Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Policy and Internet (since 2009)
  • Annette Dittert (ARD) -

    Annette Dittert is a foreign correspondent and passionate filmmaker for ARD, German TV. She became known to a wide audience as a studio manager and correspondent in Warsaw, later in New York and London.

  • Isabelle Hertner (Kings College, London) -

    Isabelle researches party politics in Germany, Britain, France, and at the European Union level. She is the director of King’s Centre for German Transnational Relations. Isabelle joined King’s in September 2016, having previously worked as a lecturer in German and European Politics and Society at the University of Birmingham. She was also the deputy director of Birmingham’s Institute for German Studies (IGS). Isabelle holds a PhD in European politics from Royal Holloway (University of London) and a MA in European Political and Administrative Studies from the College of Europe in Bruges. She did her undergraduate degree in Politics, French and Italian at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg and spent a year studying at Sciences Po Bordeaux.