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"The Rhythms of Life and Art: Symons and the Interrelationship between Sculpture and Dance at the Fin de Siècle' - Lene Østermark-Johansen (Copenhagen)

Venue: Birkbeck Main Building, Malet Street

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This talk explores some of the many links between sculpture, writing and dance in fin-de-siècle Paris through a study of Arthur Symons’s involvement with the works of Auguste Rodin and avant-garde dance as represented by Loïe Fuller and Isadora Duncan. As spatial arts, engaging in and exploring three-dimensional space, sculpture and dance impinge on the physical space of the spectator. Although one art is solid and static, the other evanescent and ephemeral, the approximations between the two arts were many at the turn of the century. The Paris Exposition Universelle of 1900 became the epicentre for the display of the moving body, whether as modern machine with sophisticated stage effects or as erotic bodies captured in drawing, photography, and sculpture.

Respondent: Alexandra Gerstein (Courtauld Gallery)

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