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Back to Malet Street for Part-time Undergraduate Students

Venue: Birkbeck Main Building, Malet Street

Book your place

As you already know the Department is preparing for a mix of online and in-person delivery in the coming academic year. All modules run by the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems will offer online options for lectures as well as hands-on labs and tutorials.

For those students who would like to attend on campus hands-on labs and tutorials in person, it is natural that after a year and a half of primarily online study and working from home, many need extra time to get comfortable with being on site. Many would also have specific questions about how such in person sessions would work in practice to ensure the safety of all participants.

To help get ready to return to Malet Street for classes, we are running a brief introductory event which will cover the specific provisions for face to face sessions such as requirements for the use of facial coverings by students and staff, movement through the building and use of computers. The session will start with a short presentation summarising these arrangements, followed by the opportunity to ask questions and discuss any matters relating to your programme of study with the Directors of Teaching and the Head of Department.

This session is offered in addition to the induction session for each programme planned also for this week and is specifically focused to those interested to attend hands-on labs and tutorials in person on our Bloomsbury campus.

If you are planning to attend, please RSVP as participation is limited due to capacity restrictions.

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