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Holocaust Memorial Lecture 2022: Mapping the Holocaust

Venue: Online


Professor Tim Cole, University of Bristol

2022 Holocaust Memorial Day Lecture - Birkbeck Institute for the Study of Antisemitism in collaboration with the Institute of Historical Research

Forty years after the first edition of Martin Gilbert’s Atlas of the Holocaust was published. Professor Cole examines four decades of mapping the Holocaust in the analogue and digital age. In part he asks how the Holocaust has been mapped and whether this reveals anything new about this event. But he also poses a broader question. Why should historians and the wider public concern themselves with mapping the past? What role might visualising the places and spaces of the past have as we remember and memorialise the Holocaust, as we write its history, and for historical practice in general?

Tim Cole is Professor of Social History at the University of Bristol and Director of the Brigstow Institute which fosters interdisciplinary research on what it means to be human in the 21st century. His research ranges widely across social, landscape and environmental histories and digital humanities with a focus on the Holocaust and how it is remembered. His books include Holocaust Landscapes (Bloomsbury Publishing, 2016); Traces of the Holocaust (Bloomsbury Publishing, 2011); and a co-edited collection of essays, arising from a research project he co-led, Geographies of the Holocaust (Indiana University Press, 2014).

Booking via the Institute of Historical Research, click here.




This event is organised by Birkbeck Institute for the Study of Antisemitism in collaboration with the Institute of Historical Research.

To see the full list of spring 2022 events at the Department of History, Classics and Archaeology, open to the public and students, visit our Discover the Past web page.

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