Birkbeck Knowledge Lab Seminar: Ethical AI Governance
The technical and economic benefits of artificial intelligence (AI) are counterbalanced by legal, social and ethical issues. This talk will provide an account of the findings and implications of a multi-dimensional study of AI, comprising 10 case studies, five scenarios, an ethical impact analysis of AI, a human rights analysis of AI and a technical analysis of known and potential threats and vulnerabilities. Based on our findings, we separate AI ethics discourse into three streams: (1) specific issues related to the application of machine learning, (2) social and political questions arising in a digitally enabled society and (3) metaphysical questions about the nature of reality and humanity. Human rights principles and legislation have a key role to play in addressing the ethics of AI. This work helps to steer AI to contribute to human flourishing.
Contact name:
George Magoulas
Dr Tally Hatzakis
Dr Tally Hatzakis is a Senior Research Analyst at Trilateral Research. She has worked on many EU, ESRC and EPSRC funded projects in a wide range of technology fields, from smart cities, open innovation, and e-Government, to business modelling, and the quantified self. She is currently involved in the TRIPS project, coordinating research and innovation in designing open innovation processes for disabled users for application in transport and mobility. She was previously involved in the SHERPA project coordinating research into the ethical and human rights challenges of AI intelligence and Big Data analytics through case studies, and scenario development with a range of stakeholders advocating for the responsible development of such systems. Tally’s consultancy work covers a broad spectrum of topics on socio-technical innovation, enterprise architecture and business case development. Her consultancy practice is dedicated to understanding and effectively communicating the ‘bigger picture’ that contributes strategically to the needs of clients’ business models.